Friday, September 23, 2016

Wild Life

I was posed with an interesting question the other day as myself and some other backpacking guides were talking of our summer adventures and the people we had met and the question was  “do we inadvertently save lives?”. As we looked at him strangely, trying to think of our best life saving stories, he continued with “by facilitating a positive outdoor experience do we help prevent future problems from occurring? Such as depression, a lack of self confidence or worth, hatred, anger, ect?”. At first it really threw me for a loop but then as I sat back and began to think of the many different people who id had the chance to interact with over the years I started to think he maybe had a point! I thought of the many individuals who in overcoming some mountain pass or bagging some peak accomplished one of the toughest endeavors of their life to that point, instilling in them the understanding that future challenges could be conquered with the same determination and fortitude it took to overcome the wild.
Now im not saying that backpacking guides are the new firemen or doctors by any means but I’m beginning to think that we might be able to affect the amount of visits these outstanding additions to society will have from the general populace! Now I have a story that explains a little as to why I think this way. I had a gentleman one time who was choosing to be a very difficult individual and was really hindering not only his experience but also that of his sons and the rest of the groups. So after trying a few guide tricks to get this guy to calm down and relax and stop having a negative effect on the others in our group I finally got fed up. I had the whole group drop what they were doing and I just headed off into the woods and had them follow me. We went straight up the ridgeline behind our camp till we got to the top, right at about sunset and I had the whole group sit on a log and told them to just be silent and watch the sunset. After a few moments I stood up and began to tell them the power that the mountains hold in this world. I told them sometimes only things that have seen the beginning of time and have known creations perfect peace can guide one back to true inner peace. I told them that there is no better companion in life than the trail. It doesn’t care what your reasons for visiting are. It gladly waits and gives generously to those who seek it. It serves as confidant, counselor and ferocious teacher all at the same time. The trail overflows with discovery, breakthroughs and epiphanies not the least of which is the simple feeling…of freedom. (that last bit is a quote fyi not mine) I then went on to challenge them to let themselves be tested and tried by the wild! Because when as a individual were able to put aside our egos, platforms, and distractions and enter into the wild that has seen and overcome every problems its ever been faced with since God put it there, I believe then as a human we will have a great opportunity for personal growth! I told them not to waste this gift they’d been given to be hiking in what many call heaven on earth. I told this all to them with my back turned to the group and as I turned I was surprised to find this problem guy with a face full of tears. Come to find out later he was dealing with marriage issues back home before coming on this trip. Yet after that moment he began to take time to be alone in the woods and would seek out time with his son along the shore of some pristine lake. Truly taking time to notice the peacefulness that was surrounding him and draw from the strength and fortitude that only the mountains can give. Talking with him later on after that summer he credits the days after our talk to being why he was able to go home and have the courage and strength to handle and do things that he needed to do to save his marriage. Now this is just one of many stories I’ve had the chance to be a part of over my years of guiding and to be honest now I seek out those opportunities when they arise to just introduce people to the wild because its nothing I as an individual am doing, sometimes people just need a middle man between them and the hard truths the wild teaches us.
I’m sure out there in the world there is studies that have been done on what ive been rambling about by people much wiser and smarter than i. I just wanted to talk about it a little bit so that it might encourage you out into the outdoors, even as it gets colder! So encourage, drag, beg and do whatever it takes to get your friends AND even your enemies into the outdoors. Do your part in being the wilds middle man and women and help share the lessons that many of us have learned and that many will need to learn in the coming days!

Thanks as always for reading!
-Seek the Wild-
Luke Boone